Non Surgical hair loss treatment

Hair loss is often a concern among people in India. It makes them feel strange about their appearance, self-esteem, and overall way of life. While surgical methods like hair transplants are available, people go for non-surgical hair restoration, mainly because it is less invasive for them. It is much more accessible to a lot of people. This article talks about non-surgical hair loss treatment options in India that are non-invasive, effective, and highly preferred so you can have the right options.

Understanding Hair Loss

Hair loss in Indians is usually the consequence of genetic problems and environmental aspects. Indians are prone to face hair loss at a much younger age, sometimes even more than people from other nationalities. It is thus a pressing concern for the young Indian population. Understanding the unique factors that make hair loss prominent in this demographic is an essential step towards accessing proper treatment, like non surgical treatment for hair loss.

Hair Loss Common Causes

Hair loss in the Indian population can have a variety of background factors. Here are some common causes to look out for:

  • Genetics

Family history, especially that of disease, can significantly impact a person’s susceptibility to hair loss at a younger or later age. Androgenetic alopecia is a commonly known baldness seen both in men and women. It is a primary hereditary hair loss problem prevalent in the Indian population. Understanding the genetic implications of hair loss patterns helps you access the most relevant treatment strategies.

  • Hormonal Changes

Hormonal oscillations that happen during puberty, pregnancy, delivery, and menopause are also prominent reasons for hair loss in women. Hormonal imbalances in men can give way to the rise of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) levels, which shrink hair follicles and affect the hair growth cycle. This leads to the thinning and falling of hair in the long run. Non invasive hair restoration can be an excellent option for such hair loss.

  • Medical Conditions

Various medical conditions are causing hair loss in Indian people, like autoimmune problems or scalp infections. These worsen with time when not controlled.

  • Stress

Psychological stress affects your body in many ways, and one of these effects is hair loss that increases over time. In this case, the hair on your head experiences a premature growth hindrance.

  • Poor Nutrition

Poor nutrition is another reason why you may have hair loss problems. If your diet lacks the presence of important minerals, proteins, vitamins, etc., your hair health can deteriorate at a rapid pace along with your body’s health. A balanced diet is the right way to promote optimal hair growth.

Different Hair Loss Patterns

Hair loss can occur in various patterns amongst Indians. Here are some common kinds:

  • Male pattern baldness

This type of hair loss is the cause of a receding hairline in Indian men aged 20-40. While it may begin with little bald spots on the head, it can easily become full baldness.

  • Female pattern hair loss

Indian women do not have a receding hairline with age but thinner hair across the scalp that eventually sheds.

  • Telogen effluvium

Many Indians lose hair at younger ages due to the stress of various things in their lives. Childbirth, illness, surgery, and some other issues can be the reason you are getting this type of hair loss induced by stress.

  • Alopecia areata

Autoimmune factors are usually behind alopecia areata, which is mainly a patchy hair loss that can happen at any age. There is always the best non surgical hair restoration procedure for such a hair loss.

Non-surgical Hair Loss Treatment Options In India

There are always some quality alternative treatments for when you do not wish to take up the hassle of surgical procedures. People may choose non surgical treatments because they wish to be careful about invasive treatments and want a safer option. Such treatments are amazing for better hair growth and hair density. Here are some effective options to try:

  1. Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp micropigmentation is a non surgical treatment for hair loss, perfect for people with a patchy hair loss condition or very specific balding. It eventually provides a realistic look of a fuller scalp. People with extensive hair loss mainly benefit from this treatment, and even those with a closely shaved hairstyle will like this treatment. SMP gives immediate results and does not need post-treatment maintenance. Those looking for a more natural-looking solution will like this procedure. In India, SMP clinics work towards utilizing the most intense pigmentation techniques to deposit adequate pigment for a cleaner look.

  1. Topical Treatment

Topical treatments include applications like minoxidil solutions, among many others. These are the best non surgical hair restoration treatments that help you achieve tangible hair growth and also ensure that you do not suffer from hair loss again. Minoxidil widens the hair follicles to make room for faster hair growth. This is important to set the growth phase of the hair. Regular use of minoxidil over the affected scalp area can positively affect your hair’s overall health.

Minoxidil is often available as an over-the-counter solution for hair growth problems in India. Dermatologists and hair loss experts will give you a customized minoxidil application after you have seen your hair loss history. Continued and disciplined use of this treatment helps sustain the results for the longest time.

  1. Medication

Medications like the mighty Finasteride works to stop testosterone in your body from turning into DHT, a hormone that shrinks your hair follicles. This medicine is a non invasive hair restoration treatment that can be taken orally and shows effective results in the long run by slowing down hair loss. It further facilitates hair regrowth in people suffering from androgenetic alopecia. Many brands in India offer Finasteride, and prominent dermatologists prescribe it after properly evaluating your hair loss patterns.

  1. Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is the best non surgical hair restoration technique for those dealing with long-term hair loss. These people may even be seeing excessive balding on some areas of their heads. The platelets in your blood are used in this method so a hair growth pattern can be executed. The professional will take some blood from a platelet-rich area in your body and put it into the scalp. This shall help your hair grow faster and healthier. PRP involves scalp repair through tissue restoration and regeneration. PRP therapy is found in top clinics run by trained dermatologists and hair loss experts in India. This procedure is the least invasive, safer, and has minimal downtime.

  1. Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

LLLT is the best non surgical hair restoration treatment for those with weak cellular metabolism on the scalp. The lasers promote better metabolism to promote better hair growth. LLLT is known for its positive implications for blood circulation, increased nutrient delivery to hair follicles, and increased growth cycle for hair. This painless and well-tolerated method suits everyone who wants to try out an alternative hair restoration option.

LLLT devices are usually administered at specialized clinics and centers under the work of hair loss experts. Treatment protocols are amply followed, so there is no scope for risk. Consistent sessions and proper scheduling can help people recover from hair loss patterns much faster.

  1. Lifestyle Modification Therapy

Along with specific non-invasive treatments, you can make positive changes to your lifestyle as well! The clinics, centers, or professionals you are seeing may often give you advice regarding lifestyle modification therapy, which is also a non surgical treatment for hair loss. These can optimize your hair health amazingly, and here is what they include:

  1. Balanced Diet

To eat well is the biggest gift that you can give yourself, both for your hair health and in general. Make sure your diet has all the nutrients you currently need for the promotion of healthier and better hair.

  1. Stress Management

You can do yoga, maintain hobbies, and even remain mindful to relieve you of stress after and before your hair restoration sessions. This helps maintain a calm demeanor.

  1. Scalp Care

While undergoing scalp treatment and non surgical hair restoration, maintain consistent scalp hygiene. Wash your scalp regularly but only with organic products.

  1. Regular Exercise

Exercising regularly is not just good for your body, it can even help you maintain good hair along with a non surgical hair treatment. Exercise ensures your blood circulation remains in balance at all times, and your hair follicles become much healthier as well. This even reduces your stress levels, another good thing for hair growth.

  1. Avoiding Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Say a big no to smoking and excessive alcohol consumption while you undergo treatment or want healthier hair. These habits are toxic to your blood circulation and mental health in the long run and are factors that later ruin hair growth.


Hair loss can have negative consequences for a person’s self-esteem and overall self-perception. Fortunately, as we mentioned in this article, you can get access to various non invasive hair restoration techniques that help you achieve the precious dream of healthier hair. Dr. A’s Clinic is the perfect spot to get your healthy hair back in no time through consistent hair growth procedures.

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