Hair growth is not a one-day process. It takes a long time, and the process is divided into 3 different phases. The anagen phase is the beginning of the hair growth process. where the hair follicle starts to show signs of growth, and the measurement of hair is somewhere about 1-28 cm. In biological terms, this phase is also known as the growth phase, as the cells multiply quite actively, so the hair begins to form. This process may be hindered for various reasons, such as poor diet or other medication. Undergoing the process of a hair transplant can be an important part of one’s life. However, choosing the right surgeon for a hair transplant is crucial. Dr. Arvind Poswal is a commendable hair transplant surgeon to consult for any hair-related queries.
With more than 25 years of experience, Dr. Arvind Poswal performs effective and best hair transplant in Delhi with quality care. We at Dr. A’s Clinic use state-of-the-art facilities and facilitate a hygienic environment to ensure patients’ safety. Patients usually feel embarrassed to reveal such information to the world and hence we take care of that as well by providing confidential treatments.
What triggers the anagen phase?
Now that we know the meaning of this phase, there are various reasons that can trigger the anagen phase. The duration of this phase varies from individual to individual based on various factors. Hair growth is divided into three phases. After this phase, the catagen and telogen phase takes place. In this phase, the hair follicles that have been active during the anagen phase and have shown some growth begin to undergo regression. However, the anagen phase forms the base for healthy hair growth, and in this phase, the hair follicles get active.
Some factors contribute positively, while some affect hair growth in this phase negatively. Understanding both aspects is important to avoid the negative aspects as much as possible and get the best hair growth results.
Medical conditions
Rising body temperature beyond normal levels may affect the anagen phase. High fever can break the connection between hair follicles and the scalp. This can slow down the whole process of hair growth. This phase is known as the growth phase, and hence, utmost care is required to sustain the growth of the hair.
But medical conditions like hypothyroidism, etc., change the normal biological cycle of the body. This hampers the anagen phase of hair growth. Anagen effluvium is the term that denotes the process of losing hair in the growth phase itself, resulting in baldness.
The duration of the anagen phase an individual will experience depends on various factors, including genetics. However, the medical conditions stated above, and many more may alter this period as natural growth is affected by changes in the body. Medicines may cause some side effects while treating the primary cause of problems and cause other issues like hair fall.
Emotional stress
Stress is the root cause of many severe illnesses. It is also a triggering factor for the anagen phase. Taking intense emotional stress means pressuring your body and mind to comprehend and accept the emotions that are causing discomfort. This can cause severe headaches, directly affecting the hair growth cycle. Short anagen syndrome is one of the rare diseases that an individual may experience in which their hair grows very slowly.
Doctors often suggest that stress is the main reason for intense hair loss, and it is very unhealthy to live life in such stressful conditions. “Cortisol” is the stress hormone responsible for such hair conditions as hair follicles are sent a signal to pause the regeneration activity and remain relaxed for a longer duration. When hair follicles stop regenerating, the anagen phase tends to stop, causing hair loss.
Medications alter the natural workings of the body. For example, consuming a lot of antibiotics may lead to the body losing its original potential to fight against diseases. Similarly, taking heavy medicines for severe chronic disease greatly affects hair growth in the anagen phase. Diseases like cancer require the individual to undergo treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation that have a huge impact on the anagen phase and the anagen hair. The basic purpose of this treatment is to control the rapid growth of cells, and hence, it applies to hair cells as well. This is the reason why patients suffering from cancer tend to lose their hair. Medications also change the long-term potential of hair cells to grow and regenerate.
A hair transplant is a great way to tackle such problems. We at Dr. A’s Clinic, under the supervision of Dr. Arvind Poswal, use advanced infrastructure to conduct effective hair transplant treatments and help you get back your desired hair.
Diet and Lifestyle
A good diet has the potential to prevent diseases and also fight against them. In today’s time, half of the problems arise due to poor lifestyle. Hair fall or poor hair growth is also a result of poor diet and lifestyle. Not consuming a balanced diet and poor intake of vitamins, minerals, fats, etc., weakens the hair follicles and hampers the hair growth cycle. Protein and biotin are considered the crucial elements of the structure of the hair.
Lack of these can become the root cause of triggering factors of the anagen phase and disrupt hair growth. This happens because when an individual consumes less of the required vitamins, minerals, or protein, the body uses it for essential survival activities, and there is not enough of it to promote hair growth as it is a secondary need of the body.
Along with a healthy diet, living a healthy lifestyle is also essential to avoid any major problems. Taking care of hair by providing it with the external care required may help in promoting healthy growth. Protecting it from harmful UV rays, using heat protectants, etc., are some of the things that have a direct impact on hair health.
Hormonal changes
Hormones are the key aspect to look at when talking about hair growth or triggering factors of the anagen phase. Hormones like cortisol disrupt hair growth, while estrogen promotes it. Females have a larger production of estrogen hormones compared to males, which is why females generally can grow longer and thicker hair than men in less time.
During the anagen phase, the hair follicles are highly active and grow around 1 mm every three days. This process is impacted by the production of hormones. For example, if an individual has less production of thyroid hormone, their hair may take longer to grow as the regeneration of cells slows down. A rise in the hormone called testosterone can be the reason for the excessive growth of facial hairs.
Maintaining the right hormone level is essential, as both excess and inadequate production can trigger the anagen phase. This is not hard to achieve with the right lifestyle. The hair growth and hair quality will gradually improve.
Childbirth has a lot of impact on women’s bodies and minds. Hair Fall after the birthing process is quite common. The hormonal fluctuation during this process is the key factor. The reason is that during pregnancy, the hormone level is on the rise, leading to healthier hair, but as soon as the pregnancy period ends, the hormone level suddenly drops, leading to hair fall. The anagen hair grows, but no other active growth is seen.
Many women may be concerned if the hair fall is severe. It may also cause balding in some cases. Opting for natural ways for hair growth may not work for a few, and this is where hair transplants come into the picture. In some rare cases, the hair follicle may weaken to the extent that the re-growth of hair becomes tough. A hair transplant is a good option in such cases.
Aging is an irreversible natural process that every individual has to go through. This factor is also responsible for triggering the anagen phase. In childhood, the anagen phase is the most active. Children experience rapid hair growth in the first few years of their life. Slowly, as individuals age, the growth rate becomes moderate, mostly for the major portion of their lives, assuming that the individual is healthy. The anagen phase slowly recedes, and the other two phases, i.e., catagen and telogen phases, become active.
As the individual reaches old age, the anagen phase becomes the slowest. The hair follicles weaken, leading to hair loss, hair thinning, or even baldness. Individuals who experience this in their early or middle adulthood phase should consider the option of a hair transplant.
Environmental factors
Living in a pure environment is a blessing. However, due to rising pollution levels, the whole lifestyle and health of individuals around the globe is being degraded. Hair growth is one such factor that is being affected due to the high concentration of pollutants suspended in the air.
The hair follicles may get blocked due to the constant buildup from the environment, which restricts the growth of hair. The anagen phase requires internal and external care. Excess exposure to UV rays also harms the hair, making it more prone to damage and breakage. Due to all these factors, individuals may begin to bald early. Heavy metals and harmful substances like sulfate in hair care products worsen the condition even more.
People living in highly polluted areas like Delhi are seeking hair transplants more to maintain their external appearance. Consulting Dr. Arvind Poswal would be an effective way to restore your receding hairline and reverse the impact of pollution on your hair.
Supplements come to the rescue if the individual fails to replenish their body with a balanced diet or due to other medical reasons. Biotin is the main component that makes up hair. Taking supplements may enhance hair growth in their anagen phase and promote the growth of healthy hair.
Supplements may fulfill the lack of a particular vitamin or mineral and promote a healthy body and mind. Important supplements include vitamin D, which is essential for the development of new follicles; iron, which guarantees the transport of oxygen to the follicles; and biotin, which promotes the formation of keratin. Collagen gives hair structure and strengthens its strands, while zinc promotes cell proliferation and follicle health. By prolonging the anagen phase and preserving healthy follicles, these nutrients work together to encourage strong hair growth, reduce shedding, and maximize hair health for longer, fuller, and stronger hair.
Genetics is yet another factor that determines the growth phase of the hair. Some people have genetically thicker and longer hair compared to others. They have a longer anagen phase, activating more and more hair follicles. On the other hand, people with a shorter anagen phase have shorter hair. Genetics establishes the foundation, but within this genetic framework, variables like diet, stress, and general health can affect hair development, either enhancing or decreasing follicular activity and the length of the anagen phase.
Lifestyle variables, including stress management, hormone balance, diet, and hair care practices, can affect hair health and maximize the genetic potential for a strong anagen phase, even if genetics still plays a major impact. Future opportunities to prolong the anagen phase and promote hair growth in those genetically prone to shorter cycles may be presented by new research on gene-related therapies.
A hair transplant is a boon for individuals with weak hair genetics. Dr. Arvind Poswal has a high success rate in hair transplant surgeries, and his clinic is recognized as the “Overall Top Ranked #1 Hair Transplant Clinic in the World” by a USA-based consumer site. You can consult him at our clinic in New Delhi and avail yourself of the best treatment with a long-lasting impact.
The overall conclusion can be drawn that the anagen phase, that is, the growth phase of the hair, can be triggered by various factors altering the hair growth in individuals. The quality of hair largely varies due to factors like genetics, lifestyle, or even due to medications.