how long does a hair transplant last?

The surgical procedure of a hair transplant involves removing healthy hair follicles from a different body spot with a lot of hair. They are then transplanted to the area that has to be covered. While many of you consider hair transplants, you may also take some time to consider the advantages and disadvantages of surgery carefully.

Since hair transplant procedures have been performed for a long time, there have also been many myths doing the rounds about the surgery. The different myths you may have read or heard must have puzzled you even though you may have read about them and asked questions about them. Here are the 10 hair transplant myths that are busted.

Myth 1: The Results of Hair Transplant Don’t Look Natural

FACT: A hair transplant process produces very natural-looking results. A skilled surgeon will decide where to place the hair grafts and at what angle to make the hair seem more natural.

The transplanted hair follicles are positioned in harmony with the local grafts and natural hair to make them look as natural as possible. Due to this, the person may trim, wash, and style their hair without being concerned about seeming unnatural later on.

The transplanted hair won’t seem out of place, so there’s no need to be concerned. As long as skilled and knowledgeable hair transplant surgeons carry out the procedure, most, if not all, hair transplant techniques provide outcomes that seem natural.

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Myth 2: Hair Transplant is for Men

FACT: Male hair transplants and male baldness have always been connected. The technique, however, is appropriate for everyone who has hair loss.

Anyone healthy can have hair transplant surgery. Gender does not have any significant role in hair transplant procedures. Moreover, the effects are more obvious in women as they typically maintain hair long. Just as in males, women, too, experience natural and permanent hair degeneration.

Because of this, hair transplants are available for women, becoming more and more common among them. Women have been able to undergo hair transplants without shaving their heads ever since the invention of unshaven hair transplants.

Myth 3: Older People Can’t Hair Transplants

FACT: Although technically anybody over the age of 18 can have a hair transplant, those between the ages of 25 and 65 are the best candidates. There is still a good chance that this will change even if you started losing your hair before you were 25.

Even though there is a cap at 65 years old, the older generation might still get it later in life. In addition, a semi-invasive operation like a hair transplant may cause health issues as you age. If the clinic has had a thorough check-up of you and determined that you are eligible, you may be deemed appropriate.

The quantity of grafts is still another important element. The process of hair loss is more severe and occurs gradually in older generations. And this will reduce the number of hair grafts available. A hair transplant is advised sooner because hair loss stabilizes around the age of 30.

Myth 4: A Hair Transplant is Unbearably Painful

FACT: The treatment is virtually painless when local anesthesia and numbing cream are combined.

The patient experiencing pain during a hair transplant procedure is being given a lot of consideration thanks to developing hair transplant technology. The newest Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) treatments are minimally invasive and have a quick recovery time. The procedure removes donor hair follicles with tiny punches between 0.7 and 0.8 mm in size.

Because these punches heal quickly, patients require little pain medication and can return to work within two to three days. Patients with slight pain when the anesthesia wears off may be given painkillers by the surgeon to use for two to three days to ease the discomfort.

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Myth 5: Hair Transplantation Offers Immediate Results

FACT: This is untrue, as you must wait at least 4 to 6 months before fully seeing the effects of a hair transplant treatment.

The transplanted follicles first fall out after 3 to 4 weeks, and the first signs of hair growth appear after 3 to 4 months. You will have significantly filled up a large portion of your head by 6 to 8 months.

After a hair transplant procedure, you will notice 100% of the results in 9 to 12 months. A few people need up to 12 months following the treatment to see consistent benefits, with improvements often becoming apparent after six months.

Myth 6: Hair Transplant Don’t Last Long

FACT: The effects of a hair transplant are essentially permanent and endure a very long time.

It is important to know that 5 to 7 weeks following hair transplant surgery, the newly transplanted hair will begin to fall out. However, it is a transient phase and a typical part of the regrowth process. New hair will emerge from the grafts within the next 5 to 6 weeks. The outcomes of a hair transplant observably last quite a long time and are regarded as permanent.

The roots of the transplanted hair normally stay fixed to the scalp for a few weeks before falling out. In a month or two, new hair will begin to grow. Even while some shedding may be expected in the early months, the transplanted hair follicles will eventually anchor well and begin to grow, blending in with the hair around the region.

Myth 7: The Brain Or The Eyes May Be Affected By Hair Transplantation

FACT: Hair transplantation is a minimally invasive technique and does not impact the brain or the eye.

While hair transplantation only affects the top of the scalp, the epidermis beneath the scalp is untouched. Only the skin of the scalp is operated on during a hair transplant. It neither penetrates the skin nor touches any area of the brain.

Therefore, neither your brain nor your eye may experience any harm throughout the treatment. However, some patients experience bruising around the eye, which disappears after some time. They may also have some swelling and inflammation, which is typical in any surgical procedure.

Myth 8: Hair Is Transplanted from Another Person’s Hair

FACT: Hair transplants can only be performed using hair removed from the same individual, unlike organ transplants, which can occur from one person to another.

The body does not let the hair from other people grow in their follicles and views it as a foreign contamination. This means only hair removed from a person’s body and not the hair from someone else can be used for hair transplantation.

Depending on how healthy the hair is, it is removed from various parts of the person’s body. The hair can be removed from any area of your body, including your facial hair, chest, legs, arms, or scalp.

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Myth 9: Most People Can’t Afford Hair Transplant

FACT: Most people believe that hair transplants are primarily for wealthy individuals due to myths around the cost of hair transplants. However, this is untrue, as hair transplants are getting more and more affordable.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) and Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) are two cost effective hair transplant methods that healthy individuals with a doctor’s approval can use. Additionally, hair transplant surgeries sometimes have a one-time fee.

This is because the results of a hair transplant are almost permanent. Moreover, patients should consider hair transplants if they are already spending a lot of money on semi-permanent procedures and alternatives.

Myth 10: You Will Have Greater Success Results from More Grafts

FACT: The number of hair transplants needed will depend on the region that has to be covered. Better results do not come from more grafts.

Your hair will seem uneven, and the new hair will look pluggy if there are too many grafts. Overharvesting can also lead to patchy areas on the head when new hair begins to grow, which will not give you the desired healthy hair look.

Once a certified surgeon has assessed the baldness stage, they will decide how many grafts you need for a natural look. Typically, 800 to 1400 follicles are needed if you are in stage 2A of baldness, 1600 to 2200 at stage 4, and more if you are in a later stage.

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If you are thinking about a hair transplant, know that the results of the procedure cannot be seen right away. You will have to wait between 6 and 9 months after your hair transplant procedure to see your hair grow consistently.

You will have a natural appearance and achieve the best outcomes by undergoing hair transplant surgery at a reliable hair transplant clinic in Delhi like Dr. A’s Clinic. We carry out the procedure using advanced equipment and under the direction of an experienced hair transplant surgeon.

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